Ganshorn PowerCube Body+

Ganshorn PowerCube Body+


The Ganshorn Powercube Body+ is a sophisticated medical device for comprehensive lung function testing, utilising body plethysmography to measure lung volumes and airway resistance, and spirometry to assess parameters like vital capacity and forced expiratory volume.

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PowerCube Body+

The Ganshorn PowerCube Body+ is designed to perform comprehensive pulmonary lung function testing. Making it easy to detect the whole lung volume including the thoracic gas volume. It also determines the airway resistance, which makes the diagnosis of specific disorders fast and simple. It can also evaluate diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide, airway conductance, and performs nitrogen washout and multiple-breath tests. 

The system can integrate with hospital information systems (HIS) and electronic medical records (EMR), ensuring seamless data management and accessibility.

Robust pulmonary function testing equipment

The new GANSHORN PowerCube Body+ is the result of decades of our experience in constructing body plethysmographs whilst using the latest technology.

Upmost long-term stability in conjunction with our new analysis algorithms enables you to initially differentiate between asthma, COPD, restriction or any combination of these disorders just by looking at the shape of the curve. Unlike conventional, basic systems the resistance loops will not be automatically closed. Instead, they are corrected for BTPS according to the ambient conditions on a breath-by-breath basis.


Additional information


Single breath diffusion real time, Bronchial provocation, N2 washout, FRC rebreathing, Capnometry, Emphysema test

Shipping/Delivery Restrictions

Can only be shipped to UK and Ireland


  • Uses ultrasonic flow measurement as standard
  • Calibration free
  • Has an easily adjustable patient interface
  • Offers a choice of either a broad bench seat (max. 160 kg) or a height-adjustable swivel chair (max. 120 kg)
  • Automatic and simultaneous calibration of both the cabin and the mouth pressure at three different frequencies
  • Offers a BodyLiveCal to test your TGV
  • Ceiling lighting that can illuminate in different colours, including white
  • LEDs indicating the locked state of the door
  • Spirometry/flow-volume
  • MVV
  • Body plethysmography (resistance loop: SRtot, SReff, Rtot, Reff, Rin, Rex, lung volume: TGV, TLC, RV, RV%TLC u.a.m.)
  • ROCC
  • PImax/ PEmax/ P100
  • Offline input of blood gas values



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