zebris Integrated Camera and Lighting System

zebris Integrated Camera and Lighting System

SKU: zebrisCAM-C

The zebris SYNCCam and SYNCLight integrated solution allows doctors and researchers to record video footage and integrate it into gait analyses carried out by zebris’ various other systems. This visual data can be replayed and compared to previous readings for one of the most comprehensive gait analyses yet.

zebris has over 20 year’s experience in the world of biomechanics and is one of the leading suppliers of professional measuring systems for force distribution movement measurement, with measuring systems shipped worldwide for application in science and everyday clinical usage.

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Zebris Camera & Lighting System

Often when taking gait analyses, visual feedback is vital in detecting and correcting abnormalities. However, operating a treadmill or force plate and watching the patient walk means attention is divided. This opens up the opportunity for mistakes. zebris have created a system that allows doctors and researchers to visualise their patients’ gait patterns both during and after testing.

The ultimate in gait analysis and force distribution systems

This integrated camera and lighting solution records and synchronises with existing zebris FDM products, creating the ultimate in gait analysis and force distribution systems. The SYNCCam camera system captures in high-definition, has an auto-focus feature, and connects quickly and easily to any commercially available computer via USB. It automatically synchronises with the gait data in any one of zebris’ software packages, allowing instant feedback from doctor to patient. The SYNCLight features 10 ultra-bright LED’s which connects easily to the SYNCCam. It is capable of automatically turning itself on when measuring begins and turning off when measuring ends. This allows the researcher or doctor to focus on the test taking place.

These systems can be mounted on a regular camera tripod, or additionally can be integrated into one system for ease of storage and movement.

Compatible with these systems from zebris:

  • FDM Stance and Gait Analysis System
  • FDM-T Treadmill System for Gait Analysis
  • FDM-S Measuring System for Force Distribution

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