Holtain Harpenden Neonatometer

Holtain Harpenden Neonatometer

SKU: H98701SC

The Harpenden Neonatometer is designed to measure the length of a baby to the nearest millimetre. It is specifically designed to be used without the subject having to be lifted from the surface on which they are lying.

The ball-bearing mounted carriage has an extremely free movement and is operated via a constant pressure lever which automatically locks the carriage at the correct measuring point.

£1,039.40 Ex VAT £866.17

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Harpenden Neonatometer

The Holtain Harpenden Neonatometer is a high accuracy, counter recording instrument, specifically designed for growth studies. The ball-bearing mounted carriage mechanism ensures reproducibility of measurement and effectively eliminates variation that occurs from different techniques of the user.

Developed in close collaboration with the Welsh National School of Medicine, the Harpenden Neonatometer is available in two standard lengths: long for normal neonates and short, which will fit in most incubators, for premature babies.


Additional information

Weight 16 kg
Long Measuring Range

188mm – 750mm


  • High accuracy counter recording instrument
  • Designed for growth studies
  • Developed with the Welsh National School of Medicine
  • Available in two lengths
  • Ensures reproducibility of the measurement
  • Effectively eliminates variation


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