Holtain-Kahn Abdominal Caliper

Holtain-Kahn Abdominal Caliper

SKU: H986-C

The Holtain-Kahn Abdominal Caliper has been developed to aid the prediction of cardiac risk by measuring sagittal abdominal diameter in supine subjects.

The Holtain-Kahn caliper works by taking a direct reading of the distance between the subject’s back and the front of the subject’s abdomen.



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Abdominal Caliper

The Holtain-Kahn Abdominal Caliper’s inbuilt spirit level (which ensures a vertical measurement is taken) has helped to give estimates of intraobserver precision which produced a mean of absolute deviation of 0.4cm, the coefficient of variation of 2.5% and an intraclass correlation coefficient of 95.8.

The sagittal abdominal diameter has been shown to be highly correlated with the volume of visceral fat.

Read the study The role and significance of sagittal abdominal diameter in the determination of adipose tissue distribution.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 kg
Measuring Range (inches)

Up to 14.17", Up to 19.69"


36cm, 50cm


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